Friday 4 July 2008

Making the most of now

Doug Wilson has posted some useful thoughts on time management and getting everything done. Read it all here. Most usefully (for me, at least) were his comments that measurement of progress needs to happen in the long term, and implementation of progress happens in the very short term (my paraphrase). That is, use short blocks of time - fill in every 15 minutes. This is similar to what Piper points out in Brothers, we are not Professionals, where, with regard to reading, he encourages people to (I think) read in three 20 minute units, rather than trying to block out a full hour in the day. Same total - different way of adding it all up.

Wilson's other observation, that measurement of progress needs to happen in the long term, frees us from legalism and guilt for not using every 15 minutes as well as we could. If you think about it, it's a very gracious principle by which to operate. Review your reading over a month, not a week. Plot your prayer life over a week, not a day. Make the most of now, but review how much you made of now over the long term. For brothers and sisters, we're in this for the long-haul, and for many of us, the race is only starting.
(HT: Justin Taylor)

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