Tuesday, 29 April 2008
Simul Justus et Peccator
'We should not take Luther's simul to mean that a person is partially a sinner and partially righteous, as if one could quantify it in terms of percentages. That would be to think of the Christian in terms of oneself, in terms of a person's progress upward on a spiritual continuum, whereby one's sinfulness gradually diminishes as one grows in righteousness either psychologically or ontologically. [... Rather Luther] views the human person relationally and holistically. [...] The Christian is simultaneously completely and totally righteous in the eyes of God, even as the believer is completely and totally sinful when considered in and of oneself. This double character of a totus-totus existence remains through all of life up to the very moment that Christ raises us from the dead. Because we are both - completely and simultaneously - until death, there is a constant psychological movement between the two poles.' (p.49)
Amusing Ourselves to Death...
"What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism. Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture..."
I wonder has the Internet increased or chekced our downward spiral into triviality...
Monday, 28 April 2008
Giant Squid Rings
Encouragement from God - Review of Liberating Ministry from the Success Syndrome
Part three of Liberating Ministry from the Success Syndrome turns to consider where we might be able to find encouragement for a success ministry. They identify 5 areas from which encouragement comes – God, the call, the ‘ordinary’, fellow workers, and from reward. Let’s address each in turn.
Seeing that the Lord’s plans for us are comprehensive and good and optimistic, we will naturally ask if there are any qualifications we must meet. The answer is that while the truth of these promises apply to all of God’s people, there is a condition necessary to consciously experience its reality. Biblical scholars agree that the condition is given in the immediately following context of Jeremiah 29:12-13. It is to seek him with all our hearts. […] there must be a God-focused obsession in our lives if we are to fully experience the benefit of his promise. (italics original)
The Athanasian Creed
Maybe we should change the gospel...
'While "good news" provides an etymological translation of euangelion (gospel), it runs the risk of being viewed primarily as information about yesterday's events. Like a newspaper, it deals with past events, in this case, the past events of Jesus's earthly life. But when that happens, faith can be seen as little more than a form of intellectual activity, what the reformers criticized as historical faith. Such faith cannot by itself save since even the devils believe that Jesus died and rose. By itself, the biography of Jesus is not yet gospel. It becomes gospel when it grasps the sinner with the promise that Christ lived, died and rose "for you!" and "for me!" and "for us!"' (p.42).
I am not sure about the idea that the NT is only gospel once it 'grabs' someone - I think in itself it is a promise from God. However, I do think this emphasis on promise is helpful. Later on the authors note that:
'A promise without faith accomplishes nothing, But faith without a promise has nothing to which it can cling. For Luther and Melanchthon, the promise of new life in Christ and faith in that same promise were corollaries. A promise by its very nature seeks a response. [...] At the same time, Luther stressed that trusting the promise is not an accomplishment that we can claim for ourselves. On the contrary, faith is the work and gift of God, who justifies a person by giving faith to that one. To that end the promise of the gospel itself creates and sustains that which it seeks: faith.' (p.45)
I like this idea of relating the gospel and faith as promise and response. It helps tie faith to the gospel, rather than have it as a free-floating virtue. Modern culture loves the idea of 'faith' - one (obscure) example that springs to mind is the Prince of Egypt cartoon that (more or less) faithfully renders the story of Moses and the Exodus. However, the big lesson is that you have to have faith - but faith's object is never proclaimed. However, if we think of faith as response, to say 'you just have to respond' immediately begs the question 'to what?!'
Sweet Success - Review of Liberating
The second part of Liberating concludes with a chapter on sweet success. Essentially they tell the story of a small, average church service. But a church service which they view through the lens of success as has been so far set out. They were being successful in ministry because they were seeking to be faithful, to serve, to love, to believe, to pray, to strive for holiness, and to be positive and encouraging. There is a great deal of freedom in this, as is evident from their recounting of the story. The thing which struck me, however, was the way in which they now reflect on the ‘success’ which they had so longed after earlier in their ministry. When the numbers, the recognition and so on came, it wasn’t really all that important. How liberating!
- Are you proving faithful in the exercise of your ministry? Specifically, are you obedient to Gods’ Word?
- Are you living your life as a servant, or have you drifted from Servanthood into self-service?
- Do you love Jesus?
- Do we believe that God’s Son is creator […] sustainer […] goal […] and lover of our souls?
- Are you a person of prayer? Do you regularly take significant portions of time for an exposure to God, to bare your needs and the needs of your people to God?
- Are you growing in holiness?
- What is your basic attitude towards your ministry (and your colleagues)?
Yesterday in Methven
The AGM was fine - no surprises, no dramas, and a new year ahead. Let's get on with it.
Sunday, 27 April 2008
Today in Methven...
We've also got the annual general meeting afterwards. I have to present a report, as well as there being elections for vestry (essentially parish council - similar in some respects to a group of elders). I don't think that there is going to be anything contentious (apart from the murmuring about my sermon), but I would still value your prayers for good government in the church and unity in the plans for the year ahead. Thanks
Saturday, 26 April 2008
Owen and a Pint
As many of you know, on Fridays I am required to attend a Clinical Pastoral Education course. People talk about their feelings. A lot. Sometimes there are tears. To be honest I’m not a huge fan (but I am learning stuff). However, there is one aspect of Fridays that I look forward to. A friend of mine (a great guy who took over running Christianity Explored from me at St John’s, and who, might I add, instigated this), meet up for an hour to drink beer and chat about John Owen. I imagine it's a bit like coming out of purgatory into glory (if you're into that sort of thi. We’re reading through Christologia, and I thought that given we’re spending a fair amount of time reading it and thinking about it, it would be worth letting you know what the great one has to say.
Goold (Owen’s editor) states that Owen’s purpose is to ‘illustrate the mystery of divine grace in the person of Christ’ (Works, 1:2). Owen himself states that his purpose is to ‘plead and vindicate’ the ‘eternal truth of God concerning the mystery of his wisdom, love, grace, and power, in the person and mediation of Christ, with our duties towards himself therein’. (Works, 1:5).
Success is Holiness - Review of Liberating Ministry from the Success Syndrome
Success is holiness is the title of the next chapter. Taking the examples of Sampson and David, the Hughes’ highlight the dangers of sensuality and how ungodliness constantly seeks to justify itself. I’m sure that many of us who have been involved or around Christian ministry can count off the ministers we know who have compromised themselves and barred themselves from service. And for some of us we need both hands to count them off. The Hughes’ ask the tough questions – what do you watch on TV (or online), where does your mind wander in the quiet moments, how are you actively pursuing holiness?
Always Reforming
Always Reforming: Explorations in Systematic Theology. Edited by A.T.B. McGowan. Leicester: IVP, 2006.
A Review and Critique
Dave Clancey
In this essay we will summarily define the theological task, and then identify the key issues that Always Reforming[1] implicitly and explicitly provides as being central in the task of theology: the overarching framework, then the grounds, agent and outcomes of theology. We will then turn to consider two chapters where the task of theology is done, and will assess to what extent these authors have undertaken the theological task in keeping with the method provided elsewhere in the text. In this, we will also identify whether there are aspects of their theological method which haven’t been explicitly identified in the book.
Second, the agent will bring with him or her certain cultural and epistemological presuppositions which will influence the task of theology. This is illustrated clearly in Vanhoozer’s critique of Hodge,[32] and needs to be recognised in all theology, a fact which is (ironically) presupposed in many chapters.[33] Third, the individual theological agent must recognise that they undertake theology within a community. [34] This community is both the present church[35] and the Christian community throughout time, that is, our own and other traditions.[36] For the agent performing the theological task, this means that we do theology in recognition of where we have come from, but also recognising that our theology contributes to the church, and therefore will, in some small way, become history, and therefore will have effects in the future. Finally, the agent must realise that theology is done in and for the church – the comments that Williams makes regarding Paul, Augustine, and Calvin as pastor are vital.[37] This leads us to our final point, the outcome of theology.
[1] Always Reforming (ed. A. T. B. McGowan; Leicester; IVP, 2006).
[2] Systematic Theology, Stephen Williams, ‘Observations on the Future of System’, in Always Reforming (ed. A. T. B. McGowan; Leicester; IVP, 2006), 54; Biblical Theology, Robert L. Reymond, ‘Classical Christology’s Future in Systematic Theology’, in Always Reforming (ed. A. T. B. McGowan; Leicester; IVP, 2006), 100.
[3] John Frame, ‘Preface’, in Always Reforming (ed. A. T. B. McGowan; Leicester; IVP, 2006), 10.
[4] Williams, ‘Observations’, 51 (n); Kevin J. Vanhoozer, ‘On the Very Idea of a Theological System: An Essay in Aid of Triangulating Scripture, Church and World’, in Always Reforming (ed. A. T. B. McGowan; Leicester; IVP, 2006), 134, 174; Richard C. Gamble, ‘The Relationship between Biblical Theology and Systematic Theology’, in Always Reforming (ed. A. T. B. McGowan; Leicester; IVP, 2006), 213 – although we note that Gamble omits the outcome or application of theology from his definition.
[5] Williams, ‘Observations’, 52; Vanhoozer, ‘Very Idea’, 157, and the idea of participation in the theodrama, 165. Bray also moves in this direction, although not as far as he could, when he speaks of the importance of spiritual formation in Trinitarian theology. Bray, ‘Trinity’, 35-6.
[6] Gamble, ‘Biblical Theology and Systematic Theology’, 223.
[7] Thomas F. Torrance, The Christian Doctrine of God: One Being Three Persons (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1996), 20.
[8] Frame, ‘Preface’, 11.
[9] Following Williams, ‘Observations’, 59.
[10] Williams, ‘Observations’, 46-9, 64-6.
[11] We do note that McGowan in his introduction helpfully names ‘the manner of semper reformanda’ as the fourth parameter within which the theological task should take place. A. T. B. McGowan, ‘Introduction’, in Always Reforming (ed. A. T. B. McGowan; Leicester; IVP, 2006), 17
[12] Ibid., 62.
[13] We do note in Gaffin the repeated use of ‘If I understand correctly…’ and similar phrases. Richard B. Gaffin Jr., ‘
[14] John Charles Ryle, ‘Prayer Book Statements about Regeneration in Knots Untied (10th ed.
[15] Compare Roger Nicole, ‘Polemic Theology: How to Deal with Those Who Differ from Us’, in Standing Forth: Collected Writings of Roger Nicole (Fearn: Christian Focus, 2002), passim.
[16] Gamble, ‘Biblical Theology and Systematic Theology’, 213, implicitly drawing on the distinction between archetypal and ectypal knowledge.
[17] See, for example, McGowan, ‘Introduction’, 16; Bray, ‘Trinity’, 37; Vanhoozer, ‘Very Idea’, 125; Derek W. H. Thomas, ‘The Doctrine of the Church in the Twenty-First Century’, in Always Reforming (ed. A. T. B. McGowan; Leicester; IVP, 2006), 346; et al.
[18] McGowan, ‘Introduction’, 18.
[19] Ibid.
[20] Reymond, ‘Classical Christology’, 68.
[21] Gamble, ‘Biblical Theology and Systematic Theology’, 214, 231 etc.
[22] Ibid., 234.
[23] We note that Blocher offers a ‘biblical’ system which appears to be omitted from Gamble’s article. Henri Blocher, ‘Old Covenant, New Covenant’, in Always Reforming (ed. A. T. B. McGowan; Leicester; IVP, 2006).
[24] Vanhoozer, ‘Very Idea’, 136.
[25] Ibid., 168, 171. For a description (cf. definition!) of triangulation see Vanhoozer, ‘Very Idea’, 164, note 167 ‘triangulation involves communicative interaction: not simply a subject and an object but at least two subjects in interaction over something in the world.’
[26] Ibid, 172.
[27] Ibid., passim.
[28] Ibid., 165.
[29] Ibid., 172.
[30] Gamble, ‘Biblical Theology and Systematic Theology’, 223.
[31] David Höhne, Verbal comment in Modern Trinitarian Thought Lecture, Thursday 5th April, 2007.
[32] Vanhoozer, ‘Very Idea’, 136-8.
[33] Many of the more ‘topical’ chapters provide little or no information about the presuppositions or epistemological grounding of the agent.
[34] See, for example, McGowan, ‘Introduction’, 16; Vanhoozer, ‘Very Idea’, 167.
[35] Williams, ‘Observations’, 53.
[36] See Cornelis P. Venema, ‘Justification: The Ecumenical, Biblical and Theological Dimensions of Current Debates’, in Always Reforming (ed. A. T. B. McGowan; Leicester; IVP, 2006), 323; Thomas, ‘The Doctrine of the Church’, 348.
[37] Williams, ‘Observations’, 53.
[38] Bray, ‘Trinity’, 35, 39; Williams, ‘Observations’, 49, 52; Vanhoozer, ‘Very Idea’, 125, 165, 173, 181-2; ‘Gamble, ‘Biblical Theology and Systematic Theology’, 223.
[39] This is picked up by Vanhoozer in his use of theodrama.
[40] Gamble, ‘Biblical Theology and Systematic Theology’, 237, emphasis added.
[41] McGowan, ‘Introduction’, 17-18.
[42] Reymond, ‘Classical Christology’, 71-91.
[43] Ibid., 92-124.
[44] Ibid., e.g., 69, 114
[45] See, for example, his ‘Enough!’ and similar direct and exhortatory comments. Reymond, ‘Classical Christology’, 92, 95.
[46] Reymond, ‘Classical Christology, 99.
[47] Ibid., 103.
[48] Specifically the Trinity, Ibid., 103, 112-124.
[49] A. T. B. McGowan, ‘The Atonement as Penal Substitution’, in Always Reforming (ed. A. T. B. McGowan; Leicester; IVP, 2006), 185-9.
[50] Through interaction with J. I Packer. McGowan, ‘Atonement’, 189-193.
[51] McGowan, ‘Atonement’, 183-5.
[52] Ibid., 204-206.
[53] Ibid., 208-210. Although he does provide critical comment on Packer through his interaction with him.
[54] Williams, ‘Observations’, 60-61.
[55] Williams, Vanhoozer, Gamble.
[56] Williams, ‘Observations’, 60-61.
[57] Frame, Preface’, 10, note 1; Gamble, ‘Biblical Theology and Systematic Theology’ 229, note 56.
[58] At the right hand end of the spectrum!
[59] One very minor note is that despite the emphasis on doing theology within the church the contributors are all described in terms of their academic affiliations, and no recourse is made to their roles in local churches; Always Reforming. (ed. A. T. B. McGowan; Leicester; IVP, 2006), 7-8. Maybe a reconsideration of Calvin’s