Sunday 13 April 2008

A sunday evening musing

Today at All Saints we celebrated the harvest, and were joined by the Presbyterian church down the road to rejoice in God's provision and providence. And after a great day (possibly the best Sunday we've had since we've been here), as I sit here receiving with thanksgiving (1 Tim 4:4) the bounty of Cuba and Scotland, I am struck again by God's kindness to us.

We who were dead in transgressions and sins, who simultaneously ignored and raged against our creator, were graciously made alive in Christ. He looked on us in mercy, and in unfathomable love gave himself - made himself nothing - so that we might be made his very own. We have been given everything - life, love, grace, forgiveness, freedom, peace, fellowship, communion. We deserve nothing but receive everything - oh the glory of the cross!

And so now we serve - in freedom and love. We proclaim boldly, love freely, forgive willingly - and in God's grace he even uses us in his ongoing work - through us reconciling sinners like us to himself.

Mondays in ministry can be hard. We look back on opportunities missed and people who appear unaffected by this fathomless love. But don't lose heart, brothers and sisters! God is always at work, his word going forth, always effective as he intends it.

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